Glossary of Terms
Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, thought capable of transforming base metals into precious ones, often referred to as “the philosopher’s stone.” The more mystical application was the search for an elixir that grants immortality through the purification of the soul. Spiritual alchemy, the foundation for all four levels of “The Alchemy of Becoming” is also based on transformation, but rather than focusing on physical properties, its application is on freeing the spiritual self from fear and limiting belief systems so that we can embrace our innate power and connection to source. The traditional seven steps of alchemy: Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation and Coagulation are applied to the ongoing “unmasking” of self to allow for progressively higher levels of consciousness.
Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, thought capable of transforming base metals into precious ones, often referred to as “the philosopher’s stone.” The more mystical application was the search for an elixir that grants immortality through the purification of the soul. Spiritual alchemy, the foundation for all four levels of “The Alchemy of Becoming” is also based on transformation, but rather than focusing on physical properties, its application is on freeing the spiritual self from fear and limiting belief systems so that we can embrace our innate power and connection to source. The traditional seven steps of alchemy: Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation and Coagulation are applied to the ongoing “unmasking” of self to allow for progressively higher levels of consciousness.
Being an Operative of Love
The quest of Book 2 is to become an operative of the frequencies of love. This is the displacement of the frequencies of fear to become a ‘Being of Love’. This means holding a consciousness level of 500 and above according to the Hawkins’ scale of consciousness. Being an operative of this bandwidth of frequencies is in expressing, meaning making choices, that are consistent with the standards of this high frequency. You become an emissary of this bandwidth through a consistent excellence of your actions.
Body, Mind and Soul
Body, mind and soul represent the trinity of components that make up you. The body and mind are created anew with each incarnation while the soul is eternal. The body is the only vehicle by which we can experience and learn the lessons that have been assigned to us in each incarnation. The mind is a complex entity that is comprised of your thoughts and beliefs, usually associated with the brain. It is the seat of rational thought, the vehicle by which you navigate your everyday existence, and also of great creative energy that is the source of curiosity, experimentation and innovation. An open mind is essential to spiritual growth. If it is closed and fearful of new possibilities, spiritual growth cannot occur, but if it is open the possibilities are endless. Much of our journey is about making the mind malleable so that expansion and growth can occur. The soul holds the blueprint for our existence through all lifetimes and serves up the experiences we require for its growth. Our level of consciousness is held in the soul and the highest level that we achieve in one lifetime is the starting point for the next. Each part of this trinity is thus indispensable and must travel in lockstep on your journey. The unification of body, mind and soul is expressed as oneness.
Channeling is the process of communicating with any consciousness that is not in human form by allowing that consciousness to express itself through an individual, the channeler. Channeling covers an array of communication methods from a sprit guide or guides speaking audibly through the channeler, to direct communication through writing, to writing or thoughts that are not necessarily recorded verbatim, but feel like they are inspired by this higher guidance. The channeling method that has been used in the compilation of Book 1 has primarily been through inspired writing, and through being directed to specific authors and parts of their works
Consciousness is the awareness that you are a part of something much greater than yourself, and that there is a benevolent force in the universe guiding your soul’s growth. For a more in-depth understanding of consciousness refer to Part Six of the Level 1 book.
Consciousness Maturity
Consciousness maturity is the term used to denote the level of consciousness we embody or bring into body. Consciousness itself can be thought of as a life-force field driving our evolutionary impulses. We hold consciousness as frequency, and we embody consciousness as the form or expression we give it. The quest to know ourselves in higher consciousness is conjecture until we live it. To live it, means to give it form through the choices we make with our words, thoughts and action. The extent to which we embody a particular level of consciousness, is referred to as consciousness maturity.
There often is a gap between the level of consciousness we hold as a field of potential and the level to which it is claimed or embodied. The greater the gap the more discombobulated we may feel. There is a certain amount of dissonance that occurs when we embrace the field of consciousness as a ‘knowing’ but fail to align our expression in line with that knowing. Awareness without acting in alignment to awareness, causes dissonance.
Embodiment (the 4 Rs)
Embodiment means to bring into body. We bring information from the field into form meaning we express the information as subtle energy into physical form through expression. Book 2 provides a formula for embodiment known as the 4 Rs. The formula starts with Revelation which is deciphering what is revealed to us through the mental plane of the field. This is new information previously not available to us. There is a pause with this revelation that makes us question previously held beliefs or simply provides a new horizon of awareness. We see with new eyes what we could not see before. That which is revealed must be revered, meaning that we honour the sacredness of what has been revealed. We attach value, importance, learning and understanding to what has been revealed. That is Reverence. Next, is Reclamation meaning that we must ‘claim’ that which is revealed and revered. We claim this through intention and expression. We give what is revealed vocabulary, a way to think about it, talk about it, feel it and action it. This is expression. There is a frequency alignment that takes place through agreement. Lastly, Reconciliation which is the act of letting go of old beliefs and ways of thinking and acting. The old is displaced by what greater truths are revealed, revered, and claimed. The act of displacement is reconciliation. The old and the new are reconciled. We honour the old in how it served, and only then can we let it go to honour a greater truth.
Field and Form
The term ‘field’ denotes a field of unseen energy that contains information. It is beyond our time-space reality meaning that the information contains past, present and future information. We speak of connecting to higher guidance through the field and we note messages are often received through a download from the field. Channelling is a form of connecting with the field. The field holds consciousness, and it is helpful to think of it as bandwidths of frequencies beyond what our physical senses can detect. We hold Chakras as fields of energy and information within us. Our physical bodies are surrounded by a field of energy we refer to as the auric field.
‘Form’ is the embodiment of what comes to us through the field. The act of creation is to express what is brought to us as field into the 3rd dimensional aspects of our physical reality. Form is the embodiment of emotions and our individuated expression through thoughts, actions and words. Form is our creative expression through the choices we make.
There is a continuous circuit of information exchange through field informing form and form informing field. In this way, field is learning and recalibrating based on what interpretation or expression we give through its manifestation in form. We are in a co-creative dance of field and form as essential to the evolution of the universe.
Higher Guidance / Spirit Guides / Inner Guidance
These terms have been used almost interchangeably throughout the book, as they are in fact the same. Higher Guidance and Spirit Guides are entities assigned to you, who assist you navigating your life and providing guidance for your highest good. They are “non-interfering” in that you must ask for their help, and no judgment is attached to whether you heed their advice or not. Some people are more comfortable with thinking of this guidance as coming from within their own soul, and in the end how you choose to express this is up to you.
Higher Self and Small Self
Your higher self is the part of you that transcends the third dimension where your connection to source allows you to be an operative of higher consciousness. This is manifested as thoughts, words, decisions and actions that are for your highest good and that of the collective. The small self does not connote something lesser, but is the necessary part of you that navigates everyday life in the third dimension. Each of these parts is indispensable and critical to your well-being. The melding of the two—each making way for each other, can be expressed as “the incarnation of the higher self meeting the spiritualization of the small self”—allowing heaven to come to earth while earth reaches for heaven.
Individuated Divinity
The concept of “individuated divinity” speaks to the fact that you carry divinity within you, and that there is no separation between you and the source of that divinity, however you internalize it. But it also speaks to the fact that you are entirely unique. No one has or will ever have your individual blend of abilities and characteristics, nor your singular mix of genetic markers, biology and chemistry. We each bring a truly exclusive contribution to the collective consciousness of the universe
Levels of Consciousness
A scale of consciousness was originally developed by Dr. David R. Hawkins that depicts the journey to higher consciousness through emotions and your overall perspective on life. The scale is logarithmic and goes from 1–1000. It starts with the lower emotions of shame and guilt at levels below 50, reaches the emotion of love at 500 and proceeds to higher frequency emotions such as joy, peace and enlightenment. This scale has been recast in Level 2 of The Alchemy of Becoming to be more fluid and embraces three frequency bands: Fear (0-500) Love (500-1000) and Light (1000+).
Logarithmic Scales
A logarithmic scale is different than a linear scale. In a linear scale, the difference between numbers is of the same value. In a logarithmic scale, the differences are exponential and determined by the power of the base axis, usually a factor of 10. Thus, the difference between 7.1 and 7.2 is tenfold. This type of measurement is used in describing the strength of an earthquake. When using this scale to measure progress, what may appear to be a small incremental change actually indicates exponential levels of improvement.
Morphic Field
This is a term given to a field of resonance which connects all information outside of our time-space reality. This field of resonance surrounds biological life and connects species across the globe as a form of entangled communication. It is also believed that inanimate objects such as quartz and structures such churches, temples and homes pick up the frequencies throughout time, creating a vibratory memory of all interactions. They are in effect infused with frequency or resonance that has the power to emit as well as receive.
We refer to the morphic field as the means by which animals in one part of the world will learn from their counterparts in another part of the world without physical contact. It is how information is passed from the adults to the young in animals without express learning or experience as we know it. It is how
dogs know when their owners will be home or the phenomenon of phantom limbs. It is a way of explaining the phenomenon of unrelated authors, musicians, scientists, and inventors coming up with the same or very similar works and insights without the knowledge of one another’s existence. Often mislabelled as ‘uncanny coincidences’, this curious phenomenon is now being attributed to the nature of entangled information in the form of inspirational thoughts travelling through the ethers of the morphic field.
Provocative Encounters
The purpose within each incarnation is to fulfill the soul blueprint. The soul blueprint brings life’s encounters in the form of our lesson plan. Think of life as the classroom and the encounters in life as the curriculum. ‘Encounters’ means the people, events, circumstances and situations through which you have an opportunity to learn. ‘Provocative’ in this context simply means that the encounters are meant to provoke a response. Provocative encounters can be in suffering or in great joy. The choice is to respond rather than react to provocative encounters. When you pause long enough to respond rather than react, this allows you to make the highest choice available to you in how the encounter unfolds as your co-creation. Making the highest choice available to you through your choice of words, thoughts and actions ensures the fulfilment of the soul’s blueprint and in so doing, the path to higher consciousness.
Self-transcendence is the capacity to shift your perspective and focus from yourself to others and the world around you. While it is necessary to focus on self, on raising your vibrational signature and LOC, the “to what end” question lies in your ability to uplift others and everything around you. When a firm foundation of self is laid, it allows you and in fact compels you to turn your attention to others—to empowering people, communities, and institutions to operate in higher consciousness.
Sovereignty is most often thought of in a political context, as the ultimate overseer or authority in the decision making process of the state, and in the preservation of order. This implies independence from outside forces and the right to self determination. This concept applies equally when applied to the level of self. To be in dominion of oneself is the goal of level 1 of “The Alchemy of Becoming.” Uncovering your true and authentic self, developing firm conviction in your new belief system, and knowing yourself as an indispensable part of something bigger, leads to resilience and an unshakeable, unbreakable you. While we may not be able to control what life throws at us, sovereignty allows us to respond from our higher self
Transformation in the context of spiritual growth refers to the change in your vibrational signature and level of consciousness. Think dense to light and dark to light. In the transformation process, we must let go of that which no longer serves us and call in and attract that which does. Think not just of transforming to a “better you” but to a whole “new you”. The alchemic process is the means by which we transform in this way.