The Alchemy of Becoming
Transforming lives and inspiring spiritual communities
a book that has been specifically written for you.
a book that is not simply to be read, but to be experienced.
The methodology contained in “The Alchemy of Becoming” series provides a tangible, step-by-step process that empowers you to raise your level of consciousness.
“The Alchemy of Becoming” takes this illusive word of ‘consciousness’ and makes it a palpable, life altering, felt experience. Consciousness is not intended to just be a mental construct; it is to be a ‘flesh and blood’ transformative experience. It is an awareness, a knowledge, a skill, a practice and a ‘knowing’.
Consciousness is not so much something you acquire, for everyone and everything is imbued with this life-creator force. However, for many it resides within us in a partially dormant state. We ‘awaken’ to unleash its potential to create a profound depth of meaning and of feeling. We ‘awaken’ to understand that it is THE evolutionary force for ALL THAT IS.
That is why the books are not to be just read but to be experienced. Imagine a book specifically designed for you, taking into account every experience you have had, that knows you better than you know yourself, that can calibrate your learning based on what you know, how you learn and what you need to learn and to experience. Every learning and experience unlocks the next learning and experience. This is the making of a very unusual and unique methodology.
So if you are questioning this word ‘consciousness’ even without knowing what the question is or should be, this series of books awaits your exploration and discovery. For those of you already pursuing this methodology, you will find additional materials and resources in the website designed to facilitate and deepen your experience.
This website follows the architecture of the books. The books are structured around the seven stages of alchemy. The Overview provides the foundational elements and sequence of the alchemic process, followed by a synopsis of each of the seven stages for Level 1, ‘Being of Truth’ and for Level 2 ‘Being of Love’. While the books are intended to be self-guided, there are coaches available under the ‘Resources’ tab to provide individual assistance and to help support communities. There are many other helpful resource materials.
Finally, this website has been created to showcase the voices and experiences of many who have chosen to undertake their own journeys. Each has offered insights from their own experiences and have been willing to share learnings and questions with the authors and coaches. We are grateful for the spirit in which so much is shared and given. Your voice and questions or comments are likewise gratefully received and we can be reached through the ‘contact‘ tab on the menu.
Listen to our story with host Jessie Herman on her “Some Kind of Mystic” podcast!
Episode #14: Discover the Secrets of The Alchemy of Becoming!
We are so excited to have been asked to be guests on this wonderful podcast. Listen to our telling of the Alchemy story anywhere you get your podcasts – or click on the button below.

The Alchemy of Becoming
Transforming lives and inspiring spiritual communities
a book that has been specifically written for you.
a book that is not simply to be read, but to be experienced.
The methodology contained in “The Alchemy of Becoming” series provides a tangible, step-by-step process that empowers you to raise your level of consciousness.
“The Alchemy of Becoming” takes this illusive word of ‘consciousness’ and makes it a palpable, life altering, felt experience. Consciousness is not intended to just be a mental construct; it is to be a ‘flesh and blood’ transformative experience. It is an awareness, a knowledge, a skill, a practice and a ‘knowing’.
Consciousness is not so much something you acquire, for everyone and everything is imbued with this life-creator force. However, for many it resides within us in a partially dormant state. We ‘awaken’ to unleash its potential to create a profound depth of meaning and of feeling. We ‘awaken’ to understand that it is THE evolutionary force for ALL THAT IS.
That is why the books are not to be just read but to be experienced. Imagine a book specifically designed for you, taking into account every experience you have had, that knows you better than you know yourself, that can calibrate your learning based on what you know, how you learn and what you need to learn and to experience. Every learning and experience unlocks the next learning and experience. This is the making of a very unusual and unique methodology.
So if you are questioning this word ‘consciousness’ even without knowing what the question is or should be, this series of books awaits your exploration and discovery. For those of you already pursuing this methodology, you will find additional materials and resources in the website designed to facilitate and deepen your experience.
This website follows the architecture of the books. The books are structured around the seven stages of alchemy. The Overview provides the foundational elements and sequence of the alchemic process, followed by a synopsis of each of the seven stages for Level 1, ‘Being of Truth’ and for Level 2 ‘Being of Love’. While the books are intended to be self-guided, there are coaches available under the ‘Resources’ tab to provide individual assistance and to help support communities. There are many other helpful resource materials.
Finally, this website has been created to showcase the voices and experiences of many who have chosen to undertake their own journeys. Each has offered insights from their own experiences and have been willing to share learnings and questions with the authors and coaches. We are grateful for the spirit in which so much is shared and given. Your voice and questions or comments are likewise gratefully received and we can be reached through the ‘contact‘ tab on the menu.
Listen to Our Story on the “Be the Love” Podcast!
We are so excited to have been asked to be guests on this wonderful podcast. Listen to our telling of the Alchemy story anywhere you get your podcasts – or click on the button below.