Stages - Book Two


Stage One, Book Two

Alchemy of Becoming Julie

The Alchemic Foundation

The choice to journey further and deeper requires a further breakdown. This is Calcination round 2. The quality of this breakdown is quite different than Book 1. You come to this Calcination round in an awakened state. You come to it in a state of elevated consciousness. This does not make this first stage any easier. You are starting with the humbleness of a beginner’s mind willing to break down the newly acquired truth of yourself you worked so hard for.

Book 2 presents concepts that will challenge you at a more profound level. There is a subtle but important difference in the focus of this Level 2 breaking down. It is still about you, but the lens on this breakdown is wider than yourself. You are asked to accept that even in your elevated state of consciousness you are still far from whole. You are ‘broken’, and it is the rawness of this word that challenges us. To be broken is to be less than the whole of our divine design. It is a misalignment of our thoughts, words, and actions to the underlying design of our Individuated Divinity.

It is only in the wider awareness of humanity’s state of brokenness that we must accept our own brokenness. You are that drop in the ocean of humanity and not separate from the collective of humanity. If you can accept that what humanity has created is at least partially broken, then you must accept that each one of us is, to some degree, broken. The state of the planet, the inequality, suffering, disease, conflict, polarization, intolerance are all proof points of this brokenness as manifestations of the collective. What is created by collective consent, is within us. We may not condone it or subscribe to it, but it is nonetheless a mirror held up to us.

Purpose of this Stage

As a collective we are at an inflection point between a future of either devolution or evolution. Another harsh reality offered by higher guidance in an effort to awaken us. We would not be at this tipping point were we not in a broken state. There is no sugar coating this. Higher guidance has been insistent on this point. We are an exceptional species, but we have fallen into a state of ‘exceptionalism’. Far too often we exempt ourselves from aligning to the harmonious laws of nature. Our priorities all too often are to overcome forms of adversity with force (whether environmental, disease, conflict etc.) rather than seek alignment with underlying causes. Calcination lays bare this state of affairs. The choices before us are made clear in that awareness.

Calcination offers the teachings of Awareness as foundational to achieving the elevated consciousness state of this next level of your journey. It is only in the empowerment held in this instruction that you can use Awareness to shift the course of humanity. This may seem lofty, indeed implausible, but higher guidance insists it is not. Each of us is far more ‘causal’ when operating in higher consciousness, in other words in being an ‘operative’ of higher consciousness. To be an operative of the frequencies of love is to embody a power far, far greater than you can imagine. This is so significant. Higher consciousness is infused with a power unleashed through choice, will and intention. That is why it does not take all of us to shift the course of humanity. Indeed, it will only take some of us. To think that it takes the majority of us to shift the course of humanity, is third dimensional thinking. Higher consciousness frees us from the limitations of the third dimensional plane of frequencies and the linearity of time as past, present, and future. This, you will come to appreciate in this wondrous journey.

The Experience

Allowing yourself to fully experience this level of breakdown of our species and planet is heartbreaking and can be soul destroying. We can feel helpless as mere individuals in the vast sea of the collective. The issues of our making are so complex and daunting that we just hope to keep our heads above (the polluted) waters. We feel forced to go along with decisions made for us but most certainly not in the long-term interests of humanity. This is deep within our knowing. All of us know and feel this misalignment when we pause long enough to allow ourselves to feel and see where we are headed for what it truly is.

For now, you are being asked to be aware of the breakdowns happening at the collective level and having the courage to acknowledge the mirror it offers each of us to heal the brokenness within us. Higher guidance encourages each of us on spiritual journeys to understand that the grand breakdowns we are witnessing are necessary to bring more light into the growing abyss of the ‘cracks’ we have created. In the awareness of the storm of this breakdown, we are to remain centered, in the eye of the storm where the light guides us forward.



Stage Two, Book Two

Alchemy of Becoming Julie

The Alchemic Foundation

All the ingredients to your ascension to the frequencies of love are brought to you in this most powerful stage, and are being dissolved together as preparation. You are being prepared to be ‘an operative of the frequencies of love’. Do not worry if this makes little sense at this moment. Trust that this phrase will take on great significance as your level of consciousness rises to reveal your individuated expression of what it is to be ‘an operative of the frequencies of love’.

Purpose of this Stage

The ingredients are brought to you in Book 2 as concepts. These concepts are the teachings of Book 2. They will appear and reappear throughout the remaining 5 stages. And each time they do, something more will be revealed. Your work is to allow what is revealed to take hold, allowing it to shift and shape the next iteration of ‘your becoming’. It’s a process. It starts with awareness, then a knowingness, and is completed through embodiment at the body, mind and soul level. You become one with these concepts as the new truth you hold and express. That is embodiment.

So ultimately the work is to give form to what is in the field. There is a circuit to complete. What comes to you as field is meant to find its way into form. In this case, form means to give it expression through words, thoughts, and actions. Once in form, as expression, that expression informs field. What is held in the field is changed through the act of your creation, meaning your chosen form of expression. Field informs form and form informs field to complete a never-ending evolutionary circuit. This is really important. Concepts are the form information takes in the field.

The Experience

The concepts presented to you will be hard to relate to our physical and limited sensory world. They initially hold no tangible reference points in our daily lives. They float on the subtle energies of the ethers of space. They have been there all along but up to now you have had no frequency match to them. It’s like you have been operating as an “AM’ station anchored in our third dimensional world and these concepts are in an ‘FM’ bandwidth of the 5th dimensional realm. Your elevated level of consciousness acquired through the work of Book 1, has brought you to the higher attunement of all that is playing in this ‘FM’ bandwidth.

But right now you are just adjusting the dial. The new songs are playing but there is still a lot of static. At this point, you don’t quite understand the significance of the concepts presented nor their relevance to your journey. And that is ok. You are being asked to simply be open to them. Be playful. Be in their awareness. Let them wash over you and through you in successive waves. They will come to you at random points in your day. They will pop in and out rather unexpectantly.

 Dissolution signals the beginning of this process. It starts with the awareness of what is being brought to you through Book 2 as foundational concepts. Each of these concepts is significant in its own right but ever more powerful in their ultimate integration and oneness. They fit together as pieces of a puzzle, each one indispensable to revealing the whole picture.



Stage Three, Book Two

Alchemy of Becoming Julie

The Alchemic Foundation

The Alchemic stage of Separation, where base elements are isolated and purified continues with the same overriding purpose in Book 2: to eliminate low frequencies from your vibrational container to make room for those that are of higher frequency.  The work of this level 2 Separation stage will seem familiar in terms of the trapped and blocked emotions to be cleared and released; however you bring to this work the concepts you were introduced to in the preceding Dissolution stage. Now this is important because these concepts carry the high frequency of love, and your frequency must be raised in order to fully resonate with these concepts. You are bringing these concepts as field into form. You are to give them your individuated expression in the high frequencies of love. This is how you become an operative of the frequencies of love. You can only do that if you have a frequency match to the concepts.

Purpose of this Stage

In essence you are raising your vibrational frequency to allow a harmonious resonance between you and the concepts introduced to you. You must attune to their frequency. This is very much like your frequency being in an AM bandwidth, but the concepts are brought to you in the FM bandwidth.

Level 2 is about creating the space for the uplifting power of emotions as acts of love, compassion, and kindness. We clear to make room for higher frequencies. We are decluttering what no longer serves this upgrade from the frequencies of fear to the frequencies of love.

The concepts are a form of high and accelerated learning. This is why Book 2 explains the importance of emotions as fueling both our ‘being’ and our ‘doing’. Emotions are the language of the soul and feelings are the language of the body as a physical sensory response to the emotion. This is the circuit or dance between being and doing. Emotions inform the body and feelings inform the soul. Emotions are the teacher and feelings are the student’s feedback to the teacher. Feelings can evoke emotions in the same way emotions evoke feelings. Think of that piece of music that sends the physical sensation of shivers through you. You are informing the soul through this physical sensation as something that evokes the emotion of awe. Form informs field in the same way field informs form. It is two-way communication and learning between the body and soul. Both evolve through mutual learning.

The concept of the soul blueprint governs how emotions are to be understood as a vehicle for our growth. As eternal, the soul is a blueprint to becoming all that we are meant to be as expressions of individuated divinity. It is a blueprint to unity but not uniformity. It is the blueprint to the unity or oneness of Divinity but also of your unique expression of that Divinity. Think of every incarnation as the opportunity to fulfill a bit more of this cosmic blueprint. We agreed to this. Every lifetime presents the perfect set of circumstances and challenges through which we are to learn. We come into this lifetime animated through the subtle energies of emotions as engineered by our soul blueprint. Life is not meant to be perfect but to perfect us.

When you truly understand this, everything changes. Every emotion carries an underlying whisper for your growth. The whisper is the opportunity to advance the blueprint. You hold the baton in this lap around the soul circuit of this incarnation. It’s now your relay. It is up to you to either be a victim of the hand you are dealt or to realize the opportunity you have been handed to change the trajectory of life. You understand that a trapped or blocked emotion is nothing more than an opportunity missed. At some level the intended learning did not take place. When this happens the soul will engineer a different set of circumstances to present the learning. It is repackaged in the hopes that a fresh context or angle will allow you to hear and heed the whisper.

This is what is meant by “The future informs the present against the backdrop of the past”. Everything is in the present. The present set of circumstances reflects both what you have learned and what you have yet to learn.

The Experience

In this level 2 round of Separation, know that every low frequency emotion you are either releasing or clearing was something not available to you when you were doing the Level 1 work. Now that your Level of Consciousness has increased substantially, more deeply held low frequency emotions can be brought into your awareness so that they can be released or cleared. There may be new ones you have not encountered before, and some that you thought had been dealt with in Level 1. This can be a little frustrating and confusing at first, but those emotions may have manifested in deeper parts of your body – as in your connective systems and they may also have manifested as the result of different encounters. New to Level 2 is the opportunity to release emotions from past lives that can carry forward within you as a sort of “echo”. Past life emotions may or may not emerge at this time, but if they do it introduces a whole new and exciting aspect of overlaying past events with a higher vibratory imprint.

Level 2 also introduces the notion that we can be liberated from low frequency emotions that are repeating as patterns and that would likely re occur in your future. In effect we alter the future through a demonstrated understanding of the present. This is very significant and directly relates to our having embodied or are now capable of embodying the intended lesson. We get to skip a grade, so to speak. And like skipping a grade, this is designed to accelerate our learning. Higher guidance refers to it as a by-pass and this is described more fully in the Interlude following this stage.

The importance of this cannot be overstated. Any limitations to raising our level of consciousness in one lifetime is being lifted. We are being urged and given every method and opportunity to accelerate our growth. There is a crisis to avoid for humanity and we are key in ensuring humanity’s continued evolution. You matter greatly in this equation. Honour the work in this Separation stage as foundational to the frequencies you need for your transformation, not just for your benefit but on behalf of the collective. This will become clearer as you continue to advance through the remainder of the alchemic stages.


Stage Four, Book Two

Alchemy of Becoming Julie

The Alchemic Foundation

After the hard work of Separation you come to this stage with higher frequency, having once again released, cleared and liberated low frequency emotions. The essential work of Conjunction is the integration of this new level of frequency at a harmonious new level of personal vibration. This is the vibrational level required to become an operative of the frequencies of love. The extent to which you are to transform at this level 2, takes place in this powerful Conjunction stage.

Purpose of this Stage

Conjunction at this level is not transformation to a better version of yourself. This is transformation at a most profound scale. This is emergence, a kind of rebirthing to a new level of species. You are becoming the New Human or Universal Human as the next great leap in the evolution of humanity. So this is transformation on steroids.

Book 2 provides the skills you will most certainly need to make this leap. You are engineering this next level of your Being. You are learning to be the alchemist of your own creation. This is so powerful. Yes, you will continue to be guided but you are now taking over the wheel of co-creation. You are in the driver’s seat of who and what you are to become. Life unfolds as an act of your individuated expression and all that you are engineering has a great bearing on the collective. You are a pioneer, a forerunner of what is to come in this next phase of humanity. There is great responsibility in how you engineer this transformation.

Book 2 is the hope that we can avoid the crisis of our devolution. The investment we make in higher consciousness is the means to the trajectory of evolution. We have to get this right. There is so much more than we can possibly know that depends on this. And yes, the daunting part is that is starts with you. Enough of us must be willing to show-up and light the way forward. There is no template here. We are here to forge the way forward.

You are to co-create a new narrative of who you are as a sacred code to this rebirthing. This narrative will come to you as the unique words you need for activation. This is you transmuting from the ground-dwelling caterpillar to a new species taking flight. You are in the liquified state of imaginal cells awaiting the activation of coding to engineer your emergence.

The Experience

You now appreciate that the work here is at the deepest level of your Being. You may be here for some time. As characteristic of this stage, there is that echo of another breakdown happening deep within you as necessary for this reordering of self. You breakdown to allow the reordering. You can expect a roller coaster of emotions, a kind of uncomfortable discombobulation overcoming you as the vestiges of fear hang on in an attempt to continue to define you. It is their last hurrah and they will come at you with some force. Carry on with a conviction, a knowing that this too shall pass. It’s like having a rebellious teenager caught between childhood and adulthood inside you.


Stage Five, Book Two

Alchemy of Becoming Julie

The Alchemic Foundation

You come to this stage with your new narrative. The word or words you received are the activation code for the ascended state of your emergence. This is a big leap in your evolution. Fermentation is the crystallization of your new narrative, meaning your emergence undergoes a refinement process through the addition of pressure. Just as the purity and clarity of a crystal is the result of applied pressure over time, so too does your new narrative become clearer and life enhancing as it is put to the test of life. There is no room for complacency. Your life must now entrain to the frequencies of love that are now manifested within you. This is about being an operative of the frequencies of love.

Purpose of this Stage

So what does an operative of the frequencies of love actually mean? The word operative suggests that you become an ‘agent’ or living example of this new realm of frequencies. There is no template here. You are in fact giving this concept form and that form is in the choices you make as your individuated expression. You are co-creating what life looks like and feels like at this high frequency. In essence you are answering the question of what it means to be an operative of the frequencies of love through your words, thoughts, and actions.

Book 2 provides the knowledge and skills to navigate what is referred to as ‘provocative encounters’ as growth and learning from the soul teacher. Life here is the classroom and you are the student. There are many dimensions to provocative encounters and there is a cycle to honour. Take the time to absorb as much as possible about the nature of provocative encounters and your growth through this stage will be assured. This is a pivotal lesson. There is life before the understanding of provocative encounters and life after. The saying ‘This is happening for a reason,’ is guaranteed to take on much greater significance through this new understanding and practice.

At the heart of every provocative encounter is the opportunity to change the trajectory of the experience of an encounter from fear to love. You are the one determining how the encounter will unfold through the choice you exercise in your response. So in essence this is you at an inflection point between the devolution or evolution of every encounter. Devolution is more fear and evolution comes down to the injection of love every time. The choice is yours and this matters greatly. This is practice for the grand design of humanity at this same inflection point in our collective devolution or evolution. Every encounter is a fractal of what is facing the collective.

You use your newly acquired understanding and skills of provocative encounters to attune your life from the frequencies of fear to love one encounter at a time.

The Experience

Fermentation becomes your road test. This is not easy as the collective is still operating within the frequencies of fear. The world is not quite ready for you but you are readying the world. So the choices you make matter greatly. This is not about standing on a soap box and proselytizing but rather exemplification through your vibrational state. You have yet to fully comprehend the enormous influence the realm of your subtle energies have on yourself and on the world around you. You in fact become a vibrational gateway or portal for the collective.

Trust that this elevated vibrational level will guide you to refine and align your life to this new frequency. Your soul blueprint is recalibrated to provide you with life experiences specifically designed to put your new narrative to the test. You are to insert your new narrative at the centre of life unfolding. Think about how every encounter, every relationship is an opportunity to practice and refine your narrative of who you are, what you are and how you serve. Your narrative is not mere words. It is an activation code for spiritual transformation and physical transmutation.


Stage Six, Book Two

Alchemy of Becoming Julie

The Alchemic Foundation

Distillation in alchemy is the mastery stage. At Level 2, Distillation lays out the instructions for a perpetual cycle of self-elevation. This is a journey of self-discovery in a never-ending cycle of breakdowns to breakthroughs to reveal a new level of understanding of who you are, what you are and how you are to express in this lifetime. This is the opportunity to master a progressive journey of self-evolution through self-elevation.

Purpose of this Stage

You arrive here to master what you have learned and put into practice. The path to higher consciousness is progressive for your own protection. There is a need to acclimate to each level and this adjustment applies to the body, mind, and soul. There must be a frequency accord or resonant alignment allowing the leap to ever higher bandwidths of frequency. Continuous self-elevation is a matter of choice, your preparedness, and your ability to hold higher frequency. You must hold this higher frequency even as the world about you operates in lower frequency. The world is not ready for you, but you are to ready the world. This is to be an operative of the frequencies of love.

The Experience

Each elevation presents new challenges through a recalibration of provocative encounters. Each provocative encounter reveals a greater truth and challenge as part of your lesson plan. Making the highest choice available to you assures your continued ascension to higher levels of consciousness. As you transcend to higher bandwidths of frequency, you navigate its range of emotions. There are many frequencies within the bandwidths. Shame, guilt, apathy, grief, and anger occupy the bandwidth of fear that keep us in separation. Compassion, empathy, joy, serenity non-judgement, to name a few, occupy the bandwidth of love. What these emotions in the frequencies of love have in common is the power of connection. To be an operative of the frequencies of love is to understand that we are truly meant to be deeply connected as one in consciousness. You are always ‘becoming’ in the deeper truth of our connectivity in shared divinity.

The Interlude which follows the Distillation stage is entitled “Intelligence, Consciousness and Discernment”. Discernment is highlighted as the most important skill needed to navigate through the turbulent times of the breakdowns we are experiencing. A compelling argument is offered to fully appreciate the interconnectedness of these three elements as fundamental to humanity’s evolution.


Stage Seven, Book Two

Alchemy of Becoming Julie

The Alchemic Foundation

Like Book 1, Coagulation is the final alchemic stage of the transformation process. It is the all-important stage of integration. It is the grand repose where all that has been gifted, learned, and applied becomes one in perfect alignment. It is designed to bring field fully into form as bringing the learning into body. We learn the distinction between one’s level of consciousness and one’s consciousness maturity as the ability to fully embody the level of consciousness we hold. Consciousness is not some abstract notion outside of self but the quality of life-force that animates every aspect of your Being.

Purpose of this Stage

Embodiment is a form of attunement. You tune into the frequency you are now capable of holding and you lean into it. You must take the time to acclimate body and mind to these elevated frequencies. You embody what it means to be an operative of the frequencies of love. There is no set criteria or operator instructions for fulfilling the role as operative of the frequencies of love. You are to give your unique expression to this level of Being. You are forging that path with how you choose to express. Life unfolds as the expression bestowed from within. More than ever you understand the responsibility to be the change the world so desperately needs. It takes enough of us…

What is provided, however, is a formula for embodiment. At level 2, you are ready to embrace this magical formula. It had to await your understanding of provocative encounters and the significance of making the highest choice available to you with each encounter. It had to await your understanding that consciousness rises as octaves and with each octave, the formula awaits your activation. With each elevation more is revealed to you as a greater truth than the one you hold. Truth is revealed in layers. You are challenged to let go of what you believed to be truth to find what you revere in the new truth. Once this truth is revealed and revered, you will see with new eyes. Everything within and without, shifts with the perspective of one in higher elevation. And this shift must be claimed meaning you align to its frequency, and the act of reclamation will entrain you to its higher frequency. Once claimed, as in agreement with what has been revealed and revered, you are to be the witness to the reconciliation of the old truth to the new. Truth and reconciliation. This is the formula for embodiment. This is the formula for making the world new.

The Experience

What is gifted in the alchemic process is the recipe for continuous self-elevation. You reach this final stage to fully integrate and embody. It requires a pause. And in that pause is the sacred power you hold. It is everything. This is the grand repose of your journey. You have arrived only to appreciate that the path does not end here with Coagulation. The continuation of your journey awaits. There will come a choice to start again from the beginning of these seven stages. You go back to Calcination, the beginning. But in going back you are really going forward. The experience will not be the same. You will be surprised at how much deeper you will go, how much more you will understand and learn with each consecutive pass through this Level 2 alchemic journey. The transmission of the words are calibrated to the level of consciousness you hold. You might think you missed something entirely the first pass through but that is not the case. It is simply that you are now ready to receive what was just out of reach before. You are forever becoming the refinement of all that you are meant to be.